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Having children, gravity, and time all contribute to your body inevitably sagging and drooping in undesirable ways. Childbirth especially takes a toll on your body in creating sag and stretch areas which are very difficult to reverse through normal exercise and diet. And this point in your life is when you have a lot of experiences to enjoy and you would want to look your absolute best living life to the fullest. Cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation may be exactly the way to help you regain your firm, fit figure that you had earlier.
When you are considering San Diego breast augmentation, there are many options available
Widely considered to be more natural in feel and appearance, nine out of ten breast augmentation surgery procedures worldwide are with silicone implants. To date, the only country where saline implants are popular is the
Unlike a San Diego tummy tuck, during a breast augmentation procedure implant placement is an important factor you must consider. The most common placement is subpectoral placement which provides more protection because the implant is inserted underneath the chest’s pectoralis major muscle. Both saline and silicone gel implants can be placed subpectorally, however, saline is more common to reduce the size of the incisions. When the implant is inserted under the mammary gland, this is called subglandular placement. In this kind of placement, the implant is closer to the surface of the skin and may be more susceptible to damage. Subglandular placed implants have been sometimes known to interfere with annual mammograms in some women.